Romans: and hope does not disappoint us, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us.
We've all had disappointments. For me, yesterday started with a couple of disappointments but ended up full of hope. I was reminded that God's love leads us where we are supposed to go, and all we have to do is trust/hope.
Recently, I was disappointed when I wasn't feeling supported in my decision to camino for a while. I felt judged (and bullied) into "doing the right thing" for others. When given a scenario of how my life would look, I felt my soul shrivel into a wad of nothing. In that scenario, there was no hope, no life, and no love.
There was another time, on the camino almost ten years ago, when I was wallowing in self-pity, one of my sister's comments left an impression and gave me hope. She said, "You are doing something that NONE of us has done, all by yourself! Also, perhaps you were meant to write because I am enjoying it!"
Yesterday afternoon I took the dogs for a romp at the BLM land. I feel that land is sacred and that natives must have gathered there. It rises up on uplifted sediments, likely carbonates and sandstones, because many of the rocks I've seen there seem to have an evaporative quality about it, and well, the sandstones are sandstones, but I did notice one rock with cross-bedding.
My children have all told me to "Look up," as I walk, but as a geologist, I tend to find more looking down. Once, I found an arrowhead. Oftentimes, I find great pieces of interesting stones. Yesterday, I found heart-shaped rocks and one that looks like a smiling face. I view it as evidence that I'm going the right way, being led by God.
Today, just like the Cinderella story of Cinco de Mayo when the Mexicans defeated invading French troops in 1862 (Google), may we realize that the Holy Spirit will never abandon us and will guide us as long as we are open to being led.